Solomon (Chaos Men)

Did you grow up with a cocky jock who you secretly envied. Maybe he was a nice guy to you, but you figured he was super straight, and you would never stand a chance with him. Kind of full-of-himself, but not in too annoying of a way. Perhaps he was so proud of his body that he would parade around the locker room nude, whipping his junk around? What is great about Solomon is the he IS that dude. He is nearly perfect. His body is amazing, and the only flaws I can find are some road rash from cycling, and few scratch marks on his back from some females drawing some blood. And he likes it ROUGH. That's right, if you have ever wanted to trade blows with a smug hot straight guy, Solomon is here to make that fantasy come true. He loves pain. Getting punched, scratched, whipped. In fact, I think he is a REALLY NICE guy, but will back talk or goad you until you take a swing at him. He will sit there and gladly let you pound on him. Getting a boner the entire time. You just try to wipe that smug smile of his face. He dares you!