Peter Fleming

Peter Fleming takes his name from the famous James Bond author. I’ve always thought Peter would look good in a Tuxedo and he has what I would consider Bond-like qualities. Unfortunately, Peter Fleming’s career was short-lived. After five scenes, he decided that enough was enough. A model’s decision not to continue shooting usually falls during a period when people in his surroundings (friends, family, school, etc.) discover that he’s done a photoshoot or filming. This was the case with Ryan. Ryan was a university student from a well-to-do family. Honestly, I think Peter worked for us because he genuinely enjoyed the process – he was a bit of an exhibitionist. I regret that I wasn’t able to finish what I had planned for him. His main episode was going to be with Dolph Lambert during his visit to Africa. Unfortunately, this didn’t materialize because Dolph couldn’t travel down to Cape Town that winter. Dolph suffered a back injury during a skiing expedition and was incapacitated for months. By the time Dolph managed to pull himself together, Peter had changed his mind. So, when it comes Peter, there are a total of five scenes scheduled for release.


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